This true crime documentary explores the tragic disappearance and subsequent murder of the Cowen family in Oregon in 1974. Richard, Belinda, and their two young children, David and Melissa, vanished during a Labor Day weekend camping trip. Despite an extensive search, no trace of them was found for months. The discovery of Richard's body tied to a tree and the remains of the rest of the family in a hidden cave revealed a horrific massacre. The documentary investigates potential suspects, focusing on Dwayne Lee Little, a convicted felon with a history of violence who lived near the campsite. Circumstantial evidence, including Little's possession of a 22-caliber rifle, his refusal to take a polygraph test, and the testimony of an inmate who claimed Little confessed to the murders, strongly suggests his involvement. However, without concrete proof, Little has never been formally charged, leaving the Cowen family's murder an unsolved and haunting mystery.

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