Uncover the covert world of Operation Viking Hammer, a daring Black Ops mission where elite Green Berets and Kurdish Peshmerga forces clashed with the deadly Ansar al-Islam militant group in Northern Iraq. This gripping true crime documentary reveals the intense firefights in treacherous mountain terrain, the discovery of a chemical weapons facility linked to Al-Qaeda, and the critical role this mission played in the lead-up to the invasion of Baghdad. Experience the bravery and precision of the Green Berets as they navigate political complexities and life-or-death situations. Subscribe for more heart-pounding real crime stories! youtube.com/c/RealCrime Also, put on your detective hat and solve Cold Cases in our new podcast, COLD TAPES! https://coldtapes.com/?utm_source=Real%20Crime&utm_medium=YouTube%20video&utm_campaign=

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